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Drama Report 2022/23

The Drama Report covers the production of feature films, TV drama (mini-series, telemovies and series/serials) and online drama programs by financial year.

The report incorporates data gathered through surveys and publicly available sources to give a comprehensive view of drama production activity in Australia. Data is presented for the past five years, 2018/19 to 2022/23.

Foreign titles are included if they are shot (or substantially shot) in Australia, or have post, digital or visual effects (PDV) work carried out in Australia without shooting here.


Drama expenditure in Australia

  • $2.34 billion in total expenditure in Australia came from 213 Australian and foreign titles — this was down by 4% on last year’s record high spend, but was 31% above the 5-year average. 
  • $1.13 billion of the total expenditure in Australia came from Australian titles  — nearly half (48%) of total spend was triggered by Australian productions, in particular general TV and VOD titles. While this was 26% down on last year, it is the second highest result on record.  It includes:

  • $363 million from 31 Australian theatrical features  —  this was a 54% decrease in spend after last year’s record high, and 17% below the 5-year average, driven by fewer big-budget titles. 

  • $680 million from 74 Australian general TV and VOD drama titles — spend was slightly up on the previous year (by 2%). This category includes three sub-categories:
  • $277 million from 29 Australian general FTA TV and BVOD drama titles — spend was up 26% on last year, and was 18% above the 5-year average. 
  • $398 million from 21 Australian general subscription TV and SVOD drama titles — spend was down 11% on last year, but was 74% above the 5-year average. 
  • $5 million from 24 AVOD, TVOD and other drama titles — spend was 74% up on last year, and was 61% above the 5-year average, albeit relative to low bases. This was driven by significant growth in titles and hours. 
  • $81 million from 12 Australian children’s TV and VOD drama titles — spend was 22% above last year, and 10% above the 5-year average. The vast majority of these titles were commissioned by the ABC and funded by Screen Australia. 
  • $1.22 billion of the total expenditure in Australia came from 96 foreign projects — spend was 35% up on last year’s spend, and 50% above the 5-year average, and comprised: 
  • $809 million from 16 foreign shoot titles — this was 83% up on last year’s spend. Titles included 13 features, two TV dramas and one SVOD drama that commenced shooting in Australia. 
  • $410 million from 80 foreign PDV-only spend titles — spend was down 11% on 21-22, but 47% above the 5-year average. 

See the statistics section of the Screen Australia website for further details.
