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In the archive
Video and online markets

Number of computer games and video games classified, by country of origin, 1995/96–2000/01

Whether locally produced or from overseas, games must be classified before they can be sold in Australia. This data covers both computer games and video games (console and handheld) submitted for classification each year to the Classification Board and Classification Review Board (formerly the Office of Film and Literature Classification). Around 44 per cent come from the US, 23 per cent from the UK and 14 per cent from Japan.

  Australia US Japan UK Other1 Total
6-yr av. 4% 44% 14% 23% 15%  
2000/01 2% 38% 14% 27% 20%  
1995/96 11 185 89 82 22 389
1996/97 35 238 93 138 100 604
1997/98 32 266 68 131 94 591
1998/99 18 257 61 82 69 487
1999/00 12 256 68 164 78 578
2000/01 9 218 81 155 115 578

Source: Classification Board and Classification Review Board (formerly the Office of Film and Literature Classification).

2000/01 figures are from the Classification Board and Classification Review Board online classification database www.classification.gov.au. Previous figures are from annual reports.
1. Includes games of unknown origin (64 in 2000/01) plus smaller numbers of games from various European and Asian countries.
