In the archive Video and online audiences These pages are no longer updated by Screen Australia. Use with caution as methodologies may have changed and revisions may have occurred. Ongoing data may be available from the original sources: see Other data sources. Hardware Media and communications devices, household penetration, 1996–2008 Computers, household penetration by state, 1998–2007/08 VCR and DVD players, household penetration 1984–2004 DVD and Blu-ray players, retail sales 1999–2011 Share of games hardware by type, 1998–2012 Top-selling games consoles 1998–2013 Internet connection and use Subscribers by speed of connection, 2003–2008 Household characteristics, 2004/05–2007/08 User characteristics, 2005/06–2007/08 Children’s use, 2003–2006 Accessing online audio and video, 2007 Game playing Household characteristics, 2002 Game playing by children, 2000–2006 Time games played, 1991–2000