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BTL Next Step is a credit springboard and career accelerator for established mid-career practitioners to step up into senior “below-the-line” (“BTL”) crew and leadership roles that have been identified as experiencing shortages.

Applications are now open for mid-career practitioners (“Placees”) to participate in the BTL Next Step program. These are paid opportunities for competitively assessed and selected mid-career practitioners ready to step up into one of the roles listed. Successful applicants will be paid the applicable recognised industry rate (at least award minimum rates).

Applicants may apply for any opportunity listed below regardless of their residential address, and do not need to be currently living in the location listed for a particular opportunity. 

Placee Opportunities 

Line Producer Opportunity: 

  • Cosmic Dino Studio
  •   3D Animated Feature Film

  • Brisbane, QLD

  • 27 weeks, starts 5 August 2024

Line Producer Opportunity:

  • SAM Content
  • History, True Crime and Science.
  • Sydney, NSW
  • 18 weeks, starts 14 October 2024

Location Manager Opportunity:

  • Lingo Pictures Pty Ltd 
  • Thriller 
  • Botany, NSW
  • 14 weeks, starts August 2024 (date tbc)

Production Manager Opportunity:

  • Jungle Entertainment
  • Drama, Comedy
  • Moore Park, NSW
  • 14 weeks, starts 25 November 2024

Post Production Supervisor Opportunity:

  • Cutting Edge Post Pty Ltd
  • Drama, Feature Film, Documentary & Factual
  • Mascot, NSW
  • 48 weeks, starts 31 July 2024

 Post Production Supervisor Opportunity:

  • Sweet Shop Green Pty Ltd
  • Documentary, Climate Change, First Nations Voices, LBTQI, Family, Trauma
  • Abbotsford, VIC
  • 20 weeks, starts 18 November 2024

Post Production Supervisor Opportunity:

  • Walking Fish Productions Pty Ltd
  • Feature Documentary; Comedy & Feature Documentary; Environment
  • Brunswick, VIC
  • 17 weeks, starts 16 September 2024

Sound Designer Opportunity:

  • Boom Tracks Pty Ltd
  • Action
  • Port Melbourne, VIC
  • 20 weeks, starts 5 August 2024

Special Effects Supervisor Opportunity:

  • Princess Bento Pty Ltd
  • Animation
  • South Melbourne, VIC
  • 26 weeks, starts 3 February 2025

Details for each opportunity are subject to change.

Please make note in the application form if you will require travel/relocation expenses for the opportunity you have selected.  Travel will be considered on a case-by-case basis for successful applicants for each opportunity.

Who is eligible to apply for Stage Two? 

  • Applicants for Stage Two will be Australian citizens or residents and meet Screen Australia’s Terms of Trade. 

  • Applicants for Stage Two must have an active ABN at time of application; the applicant can be an individual, sole trader or a company as per Screen Australia’s Terms of Trade). If you do not have an ABN, please click here for information about how to apply for an ABN.

  • Applicants will be mid-career BTL practitioners ready to step up into the role that they have selected. For the purposes of this initiative, a mid-career BTL practitioner is considered to be an individual who has: 

  • 2+ years of professional experience, with reportable credits, in a position that will prepare them to step-up into the opportunity as part of this program; or 

  • the applicant is from a diverse community and may not have the level of industry experience or reportable credits as outlined above, but can evidence the relevant skills, potential and experience required.

  • Applicants are required to demonstrate how the BTL Next Step Program will elevate and accelerate their career trajectory.

  • Applicants will be available for, and agree to commit to the full duration of the placement opportunity, and will enter into an agreement with the production company / screen business and Screen Australia to participate in the program.

  • Applicants must not be currently employed by the production company or screen business that is offering the opportunity that the applicant has selected in their application. 

  • Screen Australia is committed to increasing diversity throughout our sector, both in the content that we see and play on our screens and in the teams who make it. We encourage applications from First Nations people; people who are from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds; people who are Deaf/deaf or disabled; women, people who are non-binary or gender diverse; people who identify as LGBTIQ+; and people located in regional and remote areas. 


  • Each opportunity will put Placees in the centre of a production and expose them to relationships, networks, connections and skills enhancing experiences. 
  • Placees will be mentored and attain a credit that will provide genuine career advancement, elevate their suitability for future senior/heads of department leadership positions in their given role; and over time address the skills shortages being experience in these roles. 
  • Successful applicants will be provided with the following: 
  • position description including an outline of expectations of the role and a training overview 
  • a nominated supervisor and mentor for the duration of the placement 
  • a credit acknowledgement by the production company 

The length of each placement is directly related to the nature of the format and schedule of the given production but will cover pre-production, production and some post. 

  • Additionally, if required, Screen Australia is able to contribute up to $3,000 towards relocation costs and/or $3,000 towards carer/support costs to support Placees from anywhere in Australia to undertake placement opportunities. 
  • Applicants can request relocation or carer/support costs as part of the application. Screen Australia will review requests for contributions towards relocation and career/support costs for successful applicants and these approved costs will be paid to the selected Placee via the host company. 

How to Apply

Applications can be made via the application portal on SmartyGrants. 

As part of your application, you will need to submit the following information and supporting materials: 

  • Fully completed application form including contact details and applicant eligibility. 
  • CV/Bio (maximum 2 pages) including reportable credits applicable to the required eligibility to apply to this program. 
  • A personal motivation statement (maximum 1 page) that includes: o Why you wish to apply to this program; 
  • How the opportunity supports your career goals and trajectory; 
  • Why you believe you are ready for this opportunity; and 
  • What you believe you will contribute by participating in this program. 
  • A letter or email of recommendation and/or support (maximum 1 page) from a relevant professional context you have worked in. 

Applications for BTL Next Step Program must be submitted by 5pm AEDT/AEST on the published deadline date. 

assessment process and criteria

  • The Program Operations team will review each application to determine eligibility and ensure that required application materials have been provided. Once eligibility has been confirmed, the applicant will receive an email advising that their application has moved to assessment and an estimated timeframe of the outcome based on the current deadline. 
  • Screen Australia executives will assess applications in conjunction with the pertinent production company / screen business against the assessment criteria of BTL Next Step listed below. 
  • Short listed applicants will be invited to an interview with the pertinent company and Screen Australia. 
  • Screen Australia will have final approval of successful applicants. 

Assessment Criteria: 

Funding decisions will be made against the following criteria: 

  • Track record: How experienced is the individual and the strength of the applicant’s credits and suitability for the opportunity? 
  • Motivation: How well does the motivation of the applicant match the opportunity available including the relevant production and/or host company? 
  • Letter/email of recommendation: How does the strength of the letter of recommendation support the suitability of the applicant for the opportunity? 
  • Diversity, equity and inclusion: How well does the applicant meet the diversity, equity and inclusion objectives of the host company and the proposed opportunity? 

We aim to make the application and assessment processes as transparent as possible, but given the volume of applications we receive, we do not have the resources to provide feedback on each proposal. 

Applicants will be advised of the outcome approximately eight weeks after the posted deadline. 

Terms of funding 

If you are successful with your application, you and the successful host Production Company / Screen Business through Stage One will need to enter into a grant agreement with Screen Australia which includes specific non-negotiable core conditions. 

Reporting Obligations: 

  • It will be a requirement of the funding agreement to maintain and report at regular intervals in relation to the progress and outcomes of the opportunities. 
  • This reporting will include necessary data for the evaluation of the program against program KPIs, in addition to diversity and inclusion reporting. 
  • Screen Australia will also establish post-plan contact and monitoring of BTL crew who have benefited from the BTL Next Step program for both reporting requirements and career trajectory assistance and progression. 

If you have any questions after reviewing these guidelines, application form, and the FAQs, please contact Program Operations on 1800 507 901 or via email [email protected]. Please note that we are unable to provide creative advice or suggestions to strengthen your application.

Update Log 

June 2024

  • Opportunities available for 2024 Round 3 updated.

Feb 2024

  • Opportunities available for 2024 Round 2 updated.

Nov 2023 

  • Opportunities available for 2024 Round 1 updated, noting that only one opportunity can be selected in this round, not one preferred and one alternative. 
  • Addition that applicant cannot be current employee of host company for preferred opportunities selected in their application