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Funding Approvals
in the archive
2008-2009 Games and innovation

Innovation Development

Title Amount Team
Huey's Planet $40,750 P: Stephane Zerbib; P/W/D/Designer: Steve Pasvolsky; W: Noah Falstein
Innocent $30,000 P: Ellenor Cox; D/W: Marcus Gillezeau
Skunkwerks! Battle for Shady Acres $30,000 P: Andrew Smith; D: Paul Wilkinson
Welcome to the Cosmos $30,000 P: Karla Burt, Kylie Robertson (interactive producer); D: Nick Hallam; W: Vanessa Burt, Debra Allanson

Innovation Production

Title Amount Team
Dirtgirlworld online $150,000 EP: Cate McQuillen; P: Jan Mallis, Michela Ledwidge
Mordy Koots $250,000 P: Jim Shomos; D/W: Clayton Jacobson; W: Ray Bosely, Shane Jacobson
Re-Enchantment $50,000 P: Sue Maslin; D/W: Sarah Gibson
The World of Infinite Curiosity $200,000 EP: Dan Fill, Frank Verheggen; P: Tony Reed; W: Morgan Jaffit (lead designer
Wrapping it Up $30,000 P: Kelly Chapman; D: Jamie Madden (interactive director); W: Helen Wentlan

Serious Games - Special Initiative

Title Amount Team
Alternator $15,000 P: Dean Tuttle, Bryan Moses; W: John Welsh
Attack of the Drombies $15,000 P: Tracey Robertson, Nathan Mayfield; D: Jackie Turnure, Anthony Mullins; W: Anthony Mullins
Burden $15,000 W: Nick Young, Joe Velikovsky
Elemental $15,000 Game Developer: Andrew Smith; P: Damian Scott
Galapagos $15,000 P: Marigo Raftopoulos, Christopher Mosely; W: Joe Velikovsky

Disclaimer:  Screen Australia has undertaken all reasonable measures to ensure the accuracy of this information at time of publication. If you have any updates please email Online.