Part 1, EXPRESSIONIST EYE, THE The film provides an understanding of that rebellious period when the course of Australian art took a new direction and a new lease of life, under the influence of European Expressionsim. Paintings by John Percival, Danila Vassiflieff, Josi Bergner, Joy Hester, Arthur Boyd, Sidney Nolan and Albert Tucker are examined and Nolan, Boyd, Bernard Smith, John Reed and others contribute to the soundtrack. Part 2 FLYING OVER THE SHOALHAVEN RIVER Margaret Preston was one of the few artists who has tried to absorb the spirit of Australian Aboriginal art into Modernist painting and FLYING OVER THE SHOALHAVE RIVER is a powerful and orignal work. The film examines several other masterly works by this dynamice artist. Part 3 MINING TOWN The sub-title for MININT TOWN (1946-47) is 'Casting the Moeny-Lenders Out Of The Temple' and Arthur Boyd, who recorded narration for the film says: 'The picture is a symbol of corruption, goodness, tranquility and other qualities of life'. This is a comples allegorical work in whcihc Boyd's very personal imagery is at its richest iexpressing the universal themes of love and oppression, of life and death. Part 4, STRINGYBARK CREEK Besides conveying a rich impression of the first Kelly series and in paritcular of one of its finest canvases STINGYBARK CREEK (1946-47) the film also shows a number of Sidney Nolan's earlier Melbourne paintings. Part 5 VICTORY GIRLS wartime Melbourne created in Albert Tucker 'a deep sense of alienation, of continualstress'. This was the period when Tucker painted both VICTORY GIRLS and his famous series 'Images of Modern Evil'. The film studies a number of these disturbing works and the artist gives a vivd description of the origins of VICTORY GIRLS as well as talking of the way certain obsessive images from his unconscious take over the design of pictures.