Supporting Australian stories on our screens – Options paper
The Australian Government requested that Screen Australia and the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) co-author an options paper considering how to best support Australian stories on our screens in a modern, multi-platform environment.
On 12 December 2019, the Australian Government released its response and implementation roadmap to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission’s (ACCC) Digital Platforms Inquiry. In its response, the Government committed to a staged process to reform media regulation towards to a platform-neutral regulatory framework covering both online and offline delivery of media content to Australian consumers.
The Government identified Australian content obligations as one of the first issues it would focus on and that it would release an options paper co-authored by ACMA and Screen Australia to look at how best to support Australian stories on our screens in a modern, multi-platform environment.
The paper was released by the Government for a two-month consultation period.
More information on the process, including public submissions, can be found here.