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Australian content on Video
Australian share of top retail video titles (DVD and Blu-ray), ranked by sales value, 2010–2011
Retail value of Australian titles by program: 2011 | 2010
Retail value of Australian titles by program type, 2011
DVD | Blu-ray
Source: Screen Australia analysis of GfK Retail and Technology Australia data.
Some GfK-assigned categories have been amalgamated. As GfK does not assign country of origin, Australian titles were identified retrospectively by Screen Australia. Australian titles include Australian productions and productions with overseas partners where creative control is shared (i.e. with a mix of Australians in key creative positions).
Based on a non-extrapolated sample of DVD sales from 71 per cent of Australian retailers: see About the data.
1. Top 66 per cent of titles by value.
2. Refers to the number of individual and box set titles sold during each calendar year (first-release titles issued that year and continued sales of previously issued titles). This may include multiple editions and multiple formats of the same content.
3. Box sets may include Australian and foreign titles. Although these sets are counted as a single title for ranking purposes, their units and value are apportioned according to the origin of discrete titles in the collection.
4. TV drama comprises scripted productions inluding children’s programming. It does not include documentary and light entertainment TV shows.
5. Includes non-scripted children’s, music, stand-up comedy and sports titles. Also includes a small number of single-episode documentaries.
Source: Screen Australia analysis of GfK Retail and Technology Australia data.
Some GfK-assigned categories have been amalgamated. As GfK does not assign country of origin, Australian titles were identified retrospectively by Screen Australia. Australian titles include Australian productions and productions with overseas partners where creative control is shared (i.e. with a mix of Australians in key creative positions).
Based on a non-extrapolated sample of Blu-ray sales from 86 per cent of Australian retailers: see About the data.
1. Top 66 per cent of titles by value.
2. Refers to the number of individual and box set titles sold during each calendar year (first-release titles issued that year and continued sales of previously issued titles). This may include multiple editions and multiple formats of the same content.
3. Box sets may include Australian and foreign titles. Although these sets are counted as a single title for ranking purposes, their units and value are apportioned according to the origin of discrete titles in the collection.
4. TV drama comprises scripted productions including children’s programming. It does not include documentary and light entertainment TV shows.
5. Includes non-scripted children’s, music, stand-up comedy and sports titles. Also includes a small number of single-episode documentaries.
Retail value of Australian titles by program type, 2010
DVD | Blu-ray
Source: Screen Australia analysis of GfK Retail and Technology Australia data.
Some GfK-assigned categories have been amalgamated. As GfK does not assign country of origin, Australian titles were identified retrospectively by Screen Australia. Australian titles include Australian productions and productions with overseas partners where creative control is shared (i.e. with a mix of Australians in key creative positions).
Based on a non-extrapolated sample of DVD sales from 71 per cent of Australian retailers: see About the data.
1. Top 66 per cent of titles by value.
2. Refers to the number of individual and box set titles sold during each calendar year (first-release titles issued that year and continued sales of previously issued titles). This may include multiple editions and multiple formats of the same content.
3. Box sets may include Australian and foreign titles. Although these sets are counted as a single title for ranking purposes, their units and value are apportioned according to the origin of discrete titles in the collection.
4. TV drama comprises scripted productions including children’s programming. It does not include documentary and light entertainment TV shows.
5. Includes non-scripted children’s, music, stand-up comedy and sports titles. Also includes a small number of single-episode documentaries.
Source: Screen Australia analysis of GfK Retail and Technology Australia data.
Some GfK-assigned categories have been amalgamated. As GfK does not assign country of origin, Australian titles were identified retrospectively by Screen Australia. Australian titles include Australian productions and productions with overseas partners where creative control is shared (i.e. with a mix of Australians in key creative positions).
Based on a non-extrapolated sample of Blu-ray sales from 86 per cent of Australian retailers: see About the data.
1. Top 66 per cent of titles by value.
2. Refers to the number of individual and box set titles sold during each calendar year (first-release titles issued that year and continued sales of previously issued titles). This may include multiple editions and multiple formats of the same content.
3. Box sets may include Australian and foreign titles. Although these sets are counted as a single title for ranking purposes, their units and value are apportioned according to the origin of discrete titles in the collection.
4. TV drama comprises scripted productions including children’s programming. It does not include documentary and light entertainment TV shows.
5. Includes non-scripted children’s, music, stand-up comedy and sports titles. Also includes a small number of single-episode documentaries.
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