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The Australian producers of Animals and The Australian Dream share their Official Co-production experience.
The raw data and a collection of female-focused content for further reading.
Where does the finance for TV drama come from? How do producers put together budgets for individual projects? How has this changed compared to ten years ago?
So what is the cost of creating an online series or video?
Safe Harbour co-writer and showrunner Belinda Chayko breaks down how they mapped out and wrote the complex, compelling drama – and why television is the home for original Australian voices.
An analysis of three years of sales and distribution deals.
Penguins, pigs and crocs: nine titles have made the all-time top 20 Australian films in the US, UK and Australia.
Liz Stevens' 15 years of expertise forms the basis of this analysis of the past decade and a half in the documentary sector.
Many doors swung open for writer/director Neil Triffett and producer Lee Matthews as a result of the short film EMO the Musical being selected for the Berlinale and subsequently earning a special mention from the jury.
Four sets of Australian producers talk about how they raised the money to tell a story using the documentary form.
Downriver's story is one of teamwork and tenacity; and the inevitability of people and policies at the film agencies greatly influencing what independent films are made in Australia.
Director Garth Davis reveals some of the camera decisions, lighting and specific techniques he used to create feature films Mary Magdalene and Lion.